
Would A Minor Earthquake Expose Your Homes Weak Spots?

We all know the devastating impact of a major earthquake on both life and property but, what about those of us who live in areas that do not see much seismic activity? Could a minor earthquake, either natural or man made, expose some weak spots in our homes? Should this concern us? In parts of the country that are not prone to major earthquakes, building codes regarding earthquake preparedness are not as strict. This means that even a minor earthquake has the potential to do some damage. We are going to highlight just a few of the many areas in...

Handling Compost The Healthy Way

If you are new to composting it’s important to understand that, as well as the many benefits to having your compost pile, there are also several health hazards associated with it. So, to handle compost in a healthy way and avoid the dangerous pathogens that are present in it, we have compiled a few safety tips for you. Perhaps one of the most important and obvious reminders is to thoroughly wash your hands after you handle compost. This is a step that is easily forgotten about, particularly if you are continuing with another aspect of gardening immediately after. The best...

Bump Keys…Why Should They Interest You?

Perhaps after reading the title of this blog you’re thinking what is a bump key? A bump key is a key that is cut in a way that enables it to pick a pin-tumbler lock. Now for the question of why that should interest you? Well, everyone wants to feel safe and secure in their own homes, and given that pin-tumbler locks are among the most common kinds of lock in the world, if a bump key falls into the wrong hands, this could present a home security risk. Is it easy to acquire a bump key? Bump keys can...

Green Lumber And Home Construction

Green lumber which can also be referred to as wet lumber is commonly used in the construction of houses. We are going to discuss what green lumber is and what effects using it can have on a home. Trees naturally contain a lot of moisture. When they are cut down, moisture begins to evaporate from them and continues to do so until they have reached the same moisture level as the environment they are in. Green lumber, however, is a timber that still contains a higher level of moisture than its environment when it is used for construction. So, how...

The Tools You Need For At Home DIY Tasks

With so much time being spent at home currently, you may be thinking about tackling some of the jobs that need doing around the house yourself.  If you have never been a DIY enthusiast before, you may not have an at-home tool kit or know what tools you need for each job, so, here is an idea of the basic tools you will need to get you started and make those jobs a little easier. If you are going to hang pictures or shelving, the tools you will want to use are a hammer, a tape measure and a level...

Have You Considered Prefabricated Housing?

Are you looking for that perfect home? If you have a specific idea of the type of home you want in the ideal location, your choices may become very limited.  One option you may not have considered is a prefabricated home.  Let’s consider some of the advantages: The great thing about prefabricated homes is that there is so much to choose from nowadays.  There is a good range of different styles to fit all budgets so chances are you will find a home you love. There are a few things you will need to think about before deciding whether or...

Checking A Properties Grading

When looking for a home to purchase, a potential buyer can hardly be expected to know all the requirements and standards that the property should meet, unless of course, they are experienced builders.  It is still helpful, however, to go into the home buying process with a least some knowledge of what a good property should look like so that you avoid wasting your time with the wrong place.  For example, one thing a good property should have is the correct amount of grading.  So, what is grading and how much should a property have? To put it in simple...

Avoiding Tip-Over Dangers In The Home

Our home is a place where we should be able to relax and feel safe in, however, there are many areas of a home that could become a real danger if we are not careful. One of those dangers is the risk of furniture tipping over and causing injury. While an accident like this can happen to anyone, children are most vulnerable, and many injuries are reported each year from tip-over accidents. Let’s look at some of the ways you can avoid this happening in your home. Could there be tip-over dangers in your home? Although furniture manufacturers have to...

Choosing The Best Home Inspector

With 2020 almost upon us maybe you’ve started thinking about the new year and the changes you’d like to make.  Is buying or selling a home on the list? If it is, then you will want to have the best people working for you because, when it comes to your home, only the best will do.  So, why is it so important to find the right home inspector? The main reason is that buying a property is a huge decision and one of the biggest investments you will likely make, so it’s important to buy a home that doesn’t come...

Dryer Vent Fire Safety

Most homes use tumble dryers these days.  As is the case with all appliances, they should be well maintained and used for the purpose they are intended.  For the dryer to function properly it must be connected to a vent, let’s look at the reasons why this is so important: Most of us know how a dryer works, wet clothes are placed inside the drum.  As the drum spins, hot air is blown through the clothing causing water to evaporate from them, this water vapor then escapes from the dryer through the dryer vent.  So, what could happen if there...