Can You Eliminate Dust Mites From Your Home?

Dust mites are present in every home. For most people, these microscopic organisms are completely harmless, for some though, they can cause an allergic reaction leading to misery. The question is can you eliminate dust mites from your home? The answer to this question is that it would be practically impossible to get rid of all dust mites from the home, but there are some methods you can use that will help to reduce their numbers.

Perhaps you may consider an air purifier as a way to help eliminate dust mites. These are known to help people who suffer from allergies and they can certainly help to control quantities of dust mites present in the air. However, because the large majority of dust mites are not usually found in the air, an air purifier will not make a huge difference in reducing their numbers.

As horrifying a thought as it may be dust mites thrive in bed linens. High temperatures will help to eliminate them so wash all bedding at a temperature of no less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. If you do not want to wash your bedding in hot water, you can instead place your linens in the dryer on high for about 10 minutes which will also do the trick.

Frequent dusting and vacuuming are also important ways to control a dust mite population. To avoid redistribution of dust onto another surface, use a cloth that is slightly damp. If you are in the market for a new vacuum cleaner, make sure you buy one with a HEPA filter as this will prevent dust from reentering the air. Include all textiles as you vacuum.

Lastly, one thing that encourages many unpleasant things in the home, including dust mites, is a humid environment. Try to keep humidity low with good ventilation. Air conditioners and electric blankets can also help.

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