When Is The Right Time To Buy A New Water Heater?

Depending on the amount of use it gets and how well it is maintained, a water heater should last roughly 10 years. Why is it a good idea to know the age of your water heater? Because this can help you to decide if it is worth spending your money on repairs and maintenance to the existing one, or whether it is better to purchase a new water heater. To help you make the right decision, here are a few tips:

Look at the amount of warranty left on your water heater as this can help you when deciding to repair or replace it. If it is still under warranty does this cover the cost of labor as well as the replacement parts? Labor costs can be expensive, depending on the type of repair, so this is something you will want to find out. For example, the sacrificial anode is one part that commonly has to be replaced. This can be a tricky job that should be done by a professional. If it is not done correctly, it can void out the water heaters warranty. Let’s say, then, that your water heater is approaching the end of its lifespan, and this part needs to be replaced, after further consideration, you may feel that it is better to put the money towards a new water heater instead of repairing your old one.

Another point to think about when deciding whether to replace your existing water heater is the amount you are spending annually to repair and maintain it. If you calculate that it is costing you more than 10 percent of the price of a new one, it may be time to start shopping for a replacement water heater.

Finally, when you start to shop around for a new water heater, try to look for one that has a long warranty as this is a good sign that it is good quality. You should also be careful about purchasing a cheap water heater as you often get what you pay for.

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